Sunday, April 5, 2009

Birthday Celebrations

So we finally got around to celebrating our poor, neglected fourth child's birthday. We were only two days late, which just proves the fact that lately, we are busy people. However, Timothy wasn't disappointed. Between the yummy cake and presents, we certainly made it up to him. He looks pretty pleased to me. What do you think?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Timothy

As You Turn One

Time flies fast when you’re nearing one,
So much to learn, so much fun.
Peek-a-boo, learning to talk,
Eating it all, learning to walk.
Loving to laugh and giggle and play,
Enjoying every moment of every day.
But while you innocently watch each day go by,
You’re unaware of the sighs we sigh . . .
For you’re growing up too fast for us.
We’ve seen it before and we know you must.
Soon you’ll be two, then three, then ten,
And we’ll look at you and wonder and say, “When?”
When did he grow up? How can this be?
Wasn’t it yesterday he looked up at me . . .
And reached for my arms . . .
And smiled that sweet smile . . .
And we prayed,
“Keep him little for still a little while.”

Just arrived!

Proud Parents

All cleaned up